Past Queens

2022 Honey Queen Gretchen Tschetter
Gretchen Tschetter was the 2022 Collin County Honey Queen.
Gretchen is the eighteen-year-old daughter of Debbie and Tom Tschetter. She lives in St. Paul, Texas. She began beekeeping in 2021 as part of the Collin County Hobby Beekeepers Association youth scholarship program. She is also a member of American Heritage Girls, Choir, and Debate. In her free time, she loves to craft, bake, and sing. She is incredibly excited to speak about the wonderful world of bees and beekeeping.

2022 Honey Princess Ayla Sumer
Ayla Sumer was the 2022 Honey Princess.
Ayla is the sixteen-year-old daughter of Jennifer and Baran Sumer of Dallas, Texas. She started beekeeping in 2020 through the Collin County Hobby Beekeeping Association youth scholarship program and has loved learning more about bees and the beekeeping industry ever since. She is most passionate about the vital role of bees in pollination. In addition to beekeeping, she also enjoys playing soccer, knitting, cooking, and babysitting kids of all ages.

2020 Honey Queen Morgan Kiser
Morgan Kiser, was the 2020 Collin County Honey Queen and the 2019 Collin County Honey Princess.
Morgan is the daughter of Matt and Michelle Kiser. She started beekeeping in 2018 when her brother received the CCHBA scholarship. She will be attending college as a Violin Performance major in the fall semester. In addition to beekeeping, she likes to play violin and piano, listen to music, read, cook, do needlework, and spend time outdoors.

2020 Honey Princess Kaitlyn Huckle
Kaitlyn Huckle was the 2020 Collin County Honey Princess.
Although Kaitlyn was part of her family’s honey bee business, she wasn’t always as involved in the bee world; as a matter of fact, in the past she was very hard-hearted toward bees. To her younger, uneducated self, bees were simply stinging insects that you definitely didn’t want to agitate. However, over the years she had to adapt to the continuous increase of these insects in her family’s life, and it has actually opened the door for her to pursue something she was genuinely interested in; working with children. She has always been involved with children. It started with babysitting here and there, teaching the youth group at her church, and quickly evolved and tied into her first job; teaching kids how to swim at the Plano Parks and Recreation Center. Outside of bees and working with children, her main interest is none other than soccer. She has played competitive soccer since the age of 4 and she played for her high school soccer team with the hope of continuing on into college. She feels that God has undoubtedly blessed her with this opportunity to continue teaching children, and she truly hopes to make an impact in kids lives as they learn to love bees the way she has.

2019 Honey Queen Virginia Allen
Virginia Allen, was the 2019 Collin County Honey Queen, the 2018 Collin County Honey Princess, the 2020 Texas Honey Queen and the 2021 American Honey Princess.
Virginia is the daughter of David and Mary-Ann Allen. She started beekeeping in 2014 through the CCHBA Youth Scholarship Program. Among her many interests, she especially likes to go rock climbing and backpacking with her family, volunteer at her church, and is an active member in the local Fire Explorers program.

2018 Honey Queen Mary Reisinger
Mary Reisinger was the 2018 Collin County Honey Queen, the 2017 Collin County Honey Princess, the 2019 Texas Honey Queen and the 2020 American Honey Queen.
Mary is the daughter of Peter and Stephanie Reisinger. She started beekeeping in 2015 through the Collin County Hobby Beekeepers Association youth scholarship program. Having never met a stranger, Mary can be found talking about bees to anyone who will listen! She is especially interested in how bees can teach us about leadership. In her free time, she likes to swim, hike, and camp.
Abby Pettibon was the 2017 Collin County Honey Queen, the 2016 Collin County Honey Princess and the 2018 Texas Honey Queen.
Abby Pettibon is the daughter of Patrick and Christie Pettibon. Her family became involved with raising honeybees through the Collin County Honey Beekeepers Association youth scholarship program in 2004 and has thoroughly enjoyed it ever since. During her free time, Abby loves to read, play tennis, and babysit.
Megan Pettibon was the 2016 Collin County Honey Queen and the 2017 Texas Honey Queen.
Megan is the daughter of Patrick and Christie Pettibon and lives with her 10 siblings on a small ranch in McKinney, Texas. She has been involved with Collin County Hobby Beekeepers Association for twelve years. Megan enjoys children, baking, riding dirt bikes and taking pictures. She has a passion for teaching and enjoys sharing with people about honey bees.
Hope Pettibon was the 2015 Collin County Honey Queen, the 2016 Texas Honey Queen and the 2017 American Honey Princess.
She is the daughter of Patrick and Christie Pettibon and lives with her ten siblings on a small ranch in McKinney, Texas. She enjoys her homeschool studies, playing the piano, cooking, and crafts. Hope also spends her time outside gardening and farming, and has helped her family raise honeybees since 2004. Hope also served as the CCHBA Honey Princess in 2014.
Hannah Mansker was the 2015 Collin County Honey Princess.
Hannah is the youngest daughter of Gary and Wanda Mansker. She lives in Nevada, Texas, on a small farm with her two brothers and two sisters. In addition to CCHBA, Hannah is also active in 4-H, where she participates in food challenge, clothing and textiles, entomology, and raising and showing Angora goats. She also enjoys babysitting, serving in her church, and working for commercial beekeepers during honey extraction. Her family has been beekeeping since 2008.
Tabitha Mansker was the 2014 Collin County Honey Queen, the 2015 Texas Honey Queen and the 2016 American Honey Princess.
Tahitha lives on a small farm in Nevada, Texas. Her parents are Gary and Wanda Mansker. She has two brothers, James, and Matthew and two sisters Kaylynn and Hannah.
Along with honey bees, they raise many different animals on their farm, (the number varies year to year). She is currently raising two pigs, whom she hopes to breed soon. Some things she enjoys are playing piano, photography, working on the farm, baby sitting and serving in my church.
Shannon LaGrave was the 2013 Collin County Honey Queen and the 2014 Texas Honey Princess.
Shannon is the second of five daughters and lives in Farmersville, Texas. She has been keeping bees since she was 13 years old.
Her first introduction to bees was pure curiosity. Her family found a hive in their water meter box and she played with them for days and received many stings. Later, in the next spring, she set out dishes with different sweet substances in her tree house to watch the bees eat them. She wanted to know what the bees preferred to eat. Thus, the journey began.
Shannon was accepted into the CCHBA youth scholarship program to study the art of beekeeping in 2007. She subsequently served two years as Collin County Honey Princess in 2011 and 2012.
Shelby Kilpatrick was the 2012 Collin County Honey Queen and the 2013 Texas Honey Queen.
Shelby is the daughter of Scott and Susan Kilpatrick. She is a junior in high school and is homeschooled along with her two younger sisters. She began beekeeping in 2007 when she received a Youth Beekeeping Scholarship from the Collin County Hobby Beekeepers Association. Since then, beekeeping has become a family project.
In addition to beekeeping, Shelby is an active Denton County 4-H member participating in many project areas including entomology, wildlife habitat evaluation, horticulture, citizenship, leadership and community service. Her leadership responsibilities this year include serving on the Texas 4-H Council and as a second-year member of the Texas 4-H Technology Team. At home she enjoys reading, cooking, beekeeping, working on 4-H projects and spending time with her family.
Shannon LaGrave was the 2012 Collin County Honey Princess.
Shannon is the second of five daughters and lives in Farmersville, Texas. Originally, she became involved in beekeeping through the CCHBA Scholarship program five years ago. Currently, she maintains five hives.
Shannon also raises and cares for many other animals including goats, chickens, ducks and geese. She has a passion for dance, primarily ballet. Shannon enjoys experimental cooking encompassing many cultures. She loves the teaching aspect of the CCHBA Honey Queen program and the enthusiasm of the children.
Caroline Adams was the 2011 Collin County Honey Queen, the 2012 Texas Honey Queen and the 2013 American Honey Queen.
Caroline is the daughter of Ned and Caryl Adams. She is a senior in high school and has been homeschooled along with her brother and sister. Caroline became involved in beekeeping after her sister received a youth scholarship from the Collin County Hobby Beekeepers Association. She and her family currently keep four beehives in Parker, TX. Along with beekeeping, Caroline enjoys playing classical and traditional Irish music on her violin and mandolin, teaching violin lessons to children, volunteering at a local nature museum, cooking, sewing, and spending time with her family.
Shelby Kilpatrick and Shannon LaGrave were the 2011 Collin County Honey Princesses.
Shelby is the seventeen-year-old daughter of Scott and Susan Kilpatrick. She is a junior in high school and is homeschooled along with her two younger sisters. She began beekeeping in 2007 when she received a Youth Beekeeping Scholarship from the Collin County Hobby Beekeepers Association. Since then, beekeeping has become a family project. In addition to beekeeping, Shelby is an active Denton County 4-H member participating in many project areas including entomology, wildlife habitat evaluation, horticulture, citizenship, leadership and community service. At home she enjoys reading, cooking, beekeeping, working on 4-H projects and spending time with her family.
Shannon was accepted into the youth scholarship program to study the art of beekeeping in 2007. Her first introduction to beekeeping was in 2005 she was welcomed into a beekeepers home for an educational event that included an observation hive, honey tasting, trying on the beekeeper’s suit and other activities. She lives in Farmersville, TX with her parents and four sisters. Her hobbies include raising goats and other small farm animals, cooking, gardening, ballet and history. She has five active hives and finds the time spent with the bees to be very satisfying.
Kaylynn Mansker was the 2010 Collin County Honey Queen and the 2011 Texas Honey Queen.
Kaylynn is the eighteen-year-old daughter of Gary and Wanda Mansker of Nevada, TX. She is one of seven siblings and is currently a senior in high school. Her family has been beekeeping since 2008 and has thoroughly enjoyed the family project ever since. In addition to beekeeping, Kaylynn also enjoys reading, spinning, working with children, and spending quality time with her family.
Caroline Adams was the 2010 Collin County Honey Princess.
She is the sixteen-year-old daughter of Ned and Caryl Adams. She is a junior in high school and has been homeschooled along with her brother and sister. She became involved in beekeeping after her older sister received a youth scholarship from the Collin County Hobby Beekeepers Association. In addition to beekeeping, Caroline finds pleasure in playing traditional Irish music on her fiddle and mandolin, playing classical violin, singing, English Country Dancing, cooking and baking, sewing, and most of all, spending time with her family.
Allison Adams was the 2009 Collin County Honey Queen, the 2010 Texas Honey Queen and the 2011 American Honey Princess.
Allison Adams is the seventeen-year-old daughter of Ned and Caryl Adams of Plano, Texas. She began beekeeping five years ago through the Collin County Hobby Beekeepers Association youth scholarship program and has thoroughly enjoyed it ever since. She also finds pleasure in drawing, cooking, gardening, sewing, English country dancing, and most of all, spending time with her family.
Kaylynn Mansker was the 2009 Collin County Honey Princess.
Kaylynn, the 17-year-old daughter of Gary and Wanda Mansker of Nevada, TX, and her brothers and sisters are home schooled. She began working with bees after her older brother became a Collin County Hobby Beekeepers Association scholarship student. In addition to her interest in honey bees, Kaylynn enjoys reading, cooking, playing piano and guitar.
Nicole Pettibon was the 2008 Collin County Honey Queen.
Nicole Pettibon, is the daughter of Patrick and Christie Pettibon of McKinney, Texas. She enjoyed home schooling with her family of ten siblings. She has been keeping bees as a hobbyist since she started as a 2004 Collin County Hobby Beekeepers Association scholarship recipient. In her spare time, Nicole enjoys playing her violin and piano, cooking, reading, and checking out her beehives.
Allison Adams was the 2008 Collin County Honey Princess.
She is the daughter of Ned and Caryl Adams of Plano, TX. Allison was a 2005 CCHBA scholarship recipient and has been enjoying beekeeping since that time. She is a homeschooler who finds pleasure in being with her family, drawing, cooking, gardening, and playing the flute.
Sarah Feeny was the 2007 Collin County Honey Queen.
Sarah Feeny is the daughter of Edwin and Cynthia Feeny of McKinney, TX. Currently, Sarah has been homeschooled throughtout her education. She takes pleasure in cooking, quilting, camping, and learning more about bees.
Rachael Seida was the 2006 Collin County Honey Queen, the 2007 and 2008 Texas Honey Queen, and the 2008 American Honey Queen.
She is the daughter of Steven and Melody Seida, residents of Wylie, TX. She is actively involved in her church, as well as preparing for a career in the equine industry. Rachael enjoys being around horses, reading, swimming, sewing crafts, weaponry, and of course beekeeping. Rachael began beekeeping in 2003 as a CCHBA scholarship recipient.
Anna Watts was the 2005 Collin County Honey Queen.
Anna has two younger sisters, and one younger brother.
Anna enjoys beekeeping, photography, computers, music, drama, video production, event planning, crafts, sewing, and working with children. She is very active in her church community.
Katie Hunt was the 2004 Collin County Honey Queen.
Katie plays the violin, and participates in church and community activities.
Sarah Kornfield was the 2003 Collin County Honey Queen, the 2004 Texas Honey Queen, and the 2005 American Honey Queen.
Sarah is a college student who enjoys reading, crafts, church activities, playing both the violin and piano, photography and taking care of her bees.